Saturday, May 3, 2014

Haunted! - Scariest Castles in the World

haunted castles

From a Czech forest castle reported to house the gates of hell to a gargantuan castle right here in the United States, the world's most haunted castles boast histories rich with frightening details. Specters haunt the halls of these old castles and travelers visit to experience brushes with the paranormal. Some of these castles possess secrets darker than a moonless night, and when darkness comes, the spirits stir.

These are the ten places to go and meet ghosts. Covering nine countries, each of these castles has a past that may just try and make a ghostly impression on your present.

Friday, May 2, 2014

But the day has just begun

Well, well, well. It has been months.  Eons in the online world.  Since my last post, lots of strange lands have been visited.  Many companies have been launched.  Work has been done.  Time has flown.  But now I am back.  Double spacing after each sentence.


I need an outlet.  Too much is going on right now, and I need a place to go to talk about past trips, current trips, business, etc.  So, I will give it a try.  A post a week? Maybe?  Maybe not.  Welcome back to my world.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Luxembourg, oh Luxembourg

Luxembourg is somewhere between here and there, old and new, Belgium and France.  Enjoy the pictures.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Acropolis of Athens

The acropolis is insanely cool, but just ridiculous crowded.  Between the annoying tourists and the Greek security guards whistling at anyone that does anything wrong, it is a chaotic scene.  Throw in constant construction and you get something that begs to be done right.  Nonetheless, it is a must stop for any traveler.  It is where Western civilization began, and just down the steep rocky cliffs, is the location where it first began its decline.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Mount Lycabettus looming over Athens

 This mount towers over the Athens sprawl below.  It was allegedly created by Athena, during the building of the Acropolis, from which the photo was taken.

Temple of Zeus in Athens

 All that is left of the grand ancient structure is a a few columns in the middle of a raised pedestal. Once, a massive statue of Zeus stood amidst the pillars.

Now, the ruins are situated between a bunch of hotels, and it feels like a spectacle of something forgotten and lost - a courtyard of a bruised memory translated by archaeologists and left for the tourists to fawn over.  This is where the west began it says, like a warning or a prelude to a forgotten wish.

Furmonster of the day - Athens edition

 Now what...what is going on here?

Ohhhhhh.....Ride on furmonster, ride on

Friday, June 21, 2013

Athens street art and graffiti

Athens is where Western civilization began and is also the first place where it has began to stall out a bit.  With nearly 30% unemployment, a very vocal populace, and what I assume our lenient laws against street art, Athens boasts no shortage of graffiti and street art.

Athens boy rocking out

 This kid was just straight jamming out

Look at that - pushing his soul through the instrument

What is Meteora?

Meteora in northern Greece is a land of escape.  The orthodox priests stole away to its strange natural rock towers, fleeing the Ottomans and building strange monasteries in the process that look every bit an affront to gravity.  There, they were safe.

The towers are still used today.  We visited this strange place, weaving up from Athens in a miniature Citroen, stopping to smell the sweet olive air along the way.  Escaping.

I hope you enjoy these pictures of odd Meteora as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Goats! Goats! Goats!

As the sun began to drop in the sky, we took some old country  roads back from Meteora to Kalabaka for dinner.  On our way we encountered a street completely filled with goats.  It was magical.  They all shouted and clonked and stopped to eat trees.  Then a small man on a motorbike came and yelled at them and they all ran into a field.  Oh goats.