We visited one of the lake communities on Tonle Sap and it really blew the kids away to see how people live interesting lives on the water.
A market
Some rice fields and power lines
Some fishermen push off
Ronan and his new buddy
The bottom floor of a river house - this will all be underwater in 2 months
The Posse
She couldn’t resist and lots of hand sanitizer was applied
Some lake kids
Typical homes in Kompong Phluk - the water goes up to the bottom of the house in the rainy season
A market
Some kids playing
Curious kid
A kid watching YouTube on a phone in the middle of a lake in Cambodia
River life
Empty tourist boats - tourism has been slow to rebound post-covid lockdowns
Another house on stilts
Ayla riding our boat
Harper chasing chickens
Tonle Sap lake
The main strip
Some monks heading out to Tonle Sap
Smoking fish
It looked pretty good
Classic Tuk Tuk
Friendly river person
A croc
Saying hello to the fish
The almighty dollar
Kompong Phluk
Kristin handing out notebooks
Watching the shrimp dry
A morning cock fight
This kid was pumped
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